Friday, January 8, 2010

Mohd Ziqr Uzayr

Precious Holy Quran…

Mohd Ziqr Uzayr named after the Prophet he is The Precious Holy Quran.

Born 3rd -

8th May 2007 … weight 4kg …Fuuhhh… memang unbelievable. … SAKIITTTTTT…. Sgt.
Tapi indescribable …nikmat yang Allah Taala beri pada kaum Hawa. I almost gave up upon delivery … I did mentioned “ B, can we just ask Dr. to operate? “ My Hubby …terdiam kejap…sbb dia tahu I will try my level best … tapi masa tu dah tak sanggup nak push dah … Nasib baik ada incredible Nurse,she was really strong. She helped …push my tummy down sampai la….kluarnye Khalifah Allah yang sangat sempurna.Amin.
I’m blessed ….
Giving birth to Mohd Ziqr Uzayr was unbearable. There must be something behind the extra pain… hehehee…Dah la dia sorang je rambut curly ..hehehe...

Jik Jai ( The way he pronounce hs own name ) … is now 2+ and he speaks the half language well…hehehee... “Ma..Jai nak tut Mama…go work … Ala …Jai nak tut… Ayet (younger brother Rayd ) bobom… (Sleeping) Chak La andi (Helper Ella Mandi ) …” and when you tell him tak boleh… he says this with a special tone ..Takpe la…. Slumber je …
When Ziqr was born, we had a helper by the name of MAR she took care of him till he was about 1 year old. He was much attached to her and he would cling to her most of the time … eerrgghh….not that I was jealous but he would cry …nothing seems to be rite and such a cranky baby.. betul. Nothing would be rite except for MAR.
MAR left when he was about 1+ and that scare me a little. Takut dia rindu kat Mar and all dat… petua org tua2 pun klua la … suruh letak kain Mar bawah bantal la … bla…bla..bla… but I did not … I just buat biasa je … Alhamdulilah Ziqr was okey .Everyone said … He is so much better without Mar. He wants to play on his own, interact with others … He’s a changed person after she left….He is so friendly and he’s not that little “CENGENG BOY"anymore.

I had no choice after MAR left I couldn’t find anyone who would baby-sit him… Thank goodness I found a good nursery … reliable and most important … Clean! Ziqr spend like about 10hours a day there.
But one thing for sure Ziqr memang x tau diam ….ada je … Kalau dlm satu hari don’t know how many times you hear Ziqr….Ziqr … don’t do dat …Jangan Ziqr ….Siapa buat ni …( Siblings : ZIQR ..) semuanye Ziqr la …
ZIco la …JIK JAI la …Dik Udai la …. All the names they call him..
Dia memang Baba’s boy ….sikit ..sikit Baba..Baba… mana tak kalau dengan Ateh and Kuya memang kena bully je..

Today Ziqr is in the Upin & Ipin phenomenon… truly obsessed with it...tak boleh Nampak U& I ...mesti excited giler...

Doa Ziqr tiap malam : “ Ya Allah jadikan Ziqr, Ateh(Arra),Boboy(Rizq) dan(Rayd) Ayet budak yang baik dan pandai,Amin.

“ Ziqr Uzayr ….May you grow up gracefully and be someone respectful ”…
& Your Journey Continueswith Good Health …Insyallah

Apa2 pun adek beradik x bole gaduh...respect one another!

Ingat pesan Mama sampai bila...bila.

Love ..Ma!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

If -lyrics by Bread

Something about this song and the lyrics... i really feel it takes me away after singing this tune of those ... dat I like!

If a picture paints a thousand words,
Then why can't I paint you?
The words will never show the you I've come to know.

If a face could launch a thousand ships,
Then where am I to go?
There's no one home but you,
You're all that's left me too.

And when my love for life is running dry,
You come and pour yourself on me.

If a man (Girl)could be two places at one time,
I'd be with you.
Tomorrow and today, beside you all the way.

If the world should stop revolving spinning slowly down to die,
I'd spend the end with you.
And when the world was through,
Then one by one the stars would all go out,
Then you and I would simply fly away

Who Cares!

It's 2010...gosh ..i can't believe it ... Tomorrow Rizq &ARRA WILL GO TO pRESKOL.Well it's 3 days after NY but so what 2010??? ...U know dat feeling ...bukan "TAK BERSYUKUR " but i know what u need may not necessary be what i can offer ... I just want a new work environment. Dis is my 8th yr contributing efforts to O&G but ...frust la ... "Who CAres" u think the mngmt cares....hmmm... I need to wake up b brave ... and grab a new chair !